Why Ora is a not-for-profit community organisation based in Taranaki. We work across the community to empower Māori career and employment aspirations so that our whānau can flourish!
We work with taiohi and whānau to identify their aspirations and turn them into meaningful and rewarding career paths.
Why Ora was founded as a collaborative partnership to support Māori workforce development. The Trust was formally established in 2010 as Whakatipuranga Rima Rau Trust, with representation from the Taranaki District Health Board (now Te Whatu Ora Taranaki), the Ministry of Social Development, and the iwi of Taranaki through Te Whare Pūnanga Kōrero Trust (now transitioning to the Iwi-Māori Partnership Board).
Working with our whānau our mahi is focused in three main areas:
Tūhononga – Connections Tū is to strengthen, hononga is to bring or join together. Bringing people together, strengthening relationships and connecting our whānau to information, networks and opportunities.Weaving together our connections for the greater vision of flourishing whānau.
Manaakitanga – Support Whānau are at the core of what we do – supporting and nurturing our whānau on their career journeys. For example, by providing support and mentoring through our Manaaki Oranga.
Umanga – Careers Assisting taiohi and whānau to explore and experience meaningful careers. Supporting our whānau on their career journeys – we connect people to career pathways. We focus on health and education careers, however – we can also connect people to other training and career paths that interest them.
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miroNōnā te ngahereKo te manu e kai ana i te mātaurangaNōnā te aoOur kaimahi Jasmine and Mizsiah attended the Foundational Skills in Youth Mentoring workshop, a 2-day event in Tāmaki Makaurau. The training provided our kaimahi with gems to put into their kete on how we can better work with our taiohi. Guiding taiohi to explore their identity and culture, how to handle risks and behaviour and how to manaaki our taiohi in their personal development.Ngā mihi nui ki a Ross mō tō kōrero me tō mātauranga mō tēnei kaupapa. "Instilling your knowledge, making it a safe space to learn and the key focus points that were taught over the 2 days we had with you! It fills our cup to see that we are all sailing in the same direction with the sole purpose of bettering the future for our next generation!" - Mizsiah Martin Kemp Kaiārahi and Events Lead, Why Ora ... See MoreSee Less