Being that positive influence

“My why for becoming a teacher is to help guide tamariki into becoming the best version of themselves. There were both positive and negative times where teachers had an enormous influence on me to help become who I am today. Because of this, I wanted to become a teacher to be that positive influence.”
– Mikayla Callaghant

Mikayla Callaghan

I am a full-time primary school teacher, currently working at Horotiu Primary school. I studied at the University of Waikato completing a Bachelor of Teaching (major primary).

My why for becoming a teacher is to help guide tamariki into becoming the best version of themselves. Throughout my time as a school student, there were both positive and negative times where teachers had an enormous influence on me to help become who I am today.

Because of this, I wanted to become a teacher to be that positive influence. My teaching philosophy is based around equity over equality as I strongly believe students require different things from their peers to achieve high things. During my time studying, seeing that lightbulb moment is one of the most rewarding things to witness.

I believe that I am able to help break the stigma of ‘Māori students achieving lower compared to others”. I also see myself as a role model to young tamariki who are inspiring to follow their dreams and to work hard to reach their fullest potential.